Welcome to the
12th World-Wide Conference of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE)
11th Conference of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE)
Conference Program
The exact program schedule will be available in the Spring 2025. Please see however already the program outline below (subject to changes).
TUESDAY - 22.07.2025
Training of Trainers DAY 1
10:00-12:00 | ToT Session 1 |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | ToT Session 2 |
15.30-16:00 | Café break |
16:00-18:00 | ToT Session 3 |
TUESDAY - 22.07.2025
18:00-20:00 | Welcome Cocktail (for ToT and Conference Delegates) |
WEDNESDAY - 23.07.2025
9:00-10:30 | Plenary |
10:30-11:00 | Café break |
11:00-12:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 1 |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 2 |
15.30-16:00 | Café break |
16:00-17:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 3 |
THURSDAY - 24.07.2025
9:00-10:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 4 |
10:30-11:00 | Café break |
11:00-12:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 5 |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 6 |
15.30-16:00 | Café break |
16:00-17:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 7 |
20:00-23:00 | Conference dinner and cultural night |
FRIDAY - 25.07.2025
9:00-10:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 8 |
10:30-11:00 | Café break |
11:00-12:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 9 |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-17:30 | Social Justice Visits |
SATURDAY - 26.07.2025
9:00-10:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 10 |
10:30-11:00 | Café break |
11:00-12:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 11 |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Parallel sessions: slot # 12 |
15.30-16:00 | Café break |
16:00-17:30 | Concluding Plenary |
SUNDAY – 27.07.2025
Training of Trainers DAY 2
9:00-10:30 | ToT Session 1 |
10:30-11:00 | Café break |
11:00-12:30 | ToT Session 2 |
12.30-13:00 | Café break |
13:00-14:30 | ToT Session 3 |
Social Justice Visits
It is a great tradition that at GAJE conferences, Conference delegates can engage during the Social Justice Visits with local social justice actors. More information will be available soon.