Welcome to the
12th World-Wide Conference of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE)
11th Conference of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE)
Call for Proposals
The Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) World-wide Conference, 2025 will be held at Lazarski University's Faculty of Law in Warsaw, Poland and organized with the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE), the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation (FUPP), and the Student's Legal Clinic at Lazarski University.
The General Conference is scheduled from the 23rd to the 26th of July, 2025. As always, this will be designed to facilitate as much participation and engagement by those attending. While there will be a small number of plenary sessions, including a few keynote speeches, most of the conference will consist of parallel interactive sessions/workshops or lightning talks, providing many opportunities for delegates to share ideas, experiences, teaching methods and materials. The structure of the General Conference prioritizes sessions that make use of interactive methods.
Session proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Program Team. Important considerations for proposal review are the sessions' relevance to justice education and geographical diversity amongst presenters. We encourage session proposals from groups representing different countries. Session proposals should be submitted online using the Proposal Submission Form below.
Summary of Process for taking part
Session proposals should be submitted online through the Proposal Submission Form.
DEADLINE: 15th February 2025
We encourage early submissions, as this helps not only the organizers to create an engaging program, it also helps presenters to receive early feedback on their proposals and then eventually to apply timely for possible funding that will allow them to attend the conference.
Lead Presenter
Where there is more than one presenter, we require that a “Lead Presenter” submit the proposal. That person, unless changed, becomes the point of contact for the presentation throughout the stage of proposal review, decision, scheduling, and questions and logistical information for the conference.
For logistical reasons, participants can only be involved in a maximum of two session proposals.
Content of the proposal
The Online Proposal Submission Form will ask the following information:
- Title and name of lead presenter
- Organization/affiliation of lead presenter
- Position of lead presenter
- Country of lead presenter
- Email address of lead presenter
- Personal information (small bio/resume) including short information about the relation to justice education/CLE
- Names and details of other presenters (including e-mail, organization/affiliation and short information about their relation to justice education/CLE)
- Presentation format – interactive workshop or lightning talk
- Title of the session proposal
- Abstract of session proposal (which should include information about the session’s objectives, if and how interactive methods will be used, relevance of the proposal to the general conference theme and/or to Clinical Legal Education/Justice Education; max 500 words)
- Short abstract of 100 words maximum (for the conference program)
- Relevance of the Session Proposal to Justice Education/Clinical Legal Education more generally
- Specific objectives your Session Proposal seek to accomplish at the conference
- Will you use interactive methods, and if so, how will you do so?
- Which stream the proposal most closely relates to
- Time required for the workshop (→ 30min, 45min, 60min or 90min),
- Whether connection to other international colleagues presenting on the same topic is wished.